Workshop animé par Richard Hermann, professeur à l’Université de New Mexico invité du GREAM, et organisé par Xavier HASCHER (membre du GREAM).
We will consider Debussy’s Prelude no. 8 from the 1st book, La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin. For those of you who are pianists, this is likely in your repertoire. For the rest of us, please become familiar with the sounds as well as the score before we meet. Think about how to segment the piece into parts and what transcends these divisions thereby creating a sense of wholeness.
For reading please carefully examine items nos. 1-6 from my “Post-Tonal Theory Handouts.” For those of you who feel confident, please read the first chapter from the Morris book. The Morris is not intended as a textbook. It is a reminder of important elementary concepts in precise and concise form.
Gream - Groupe de Recherches Expérimentales sur l'Acte Musical
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